When to re-design your website as a Small Business

Nik | Ronin & Co.

Running a small business is amazing, but keeping your website up-to-date can sometimes feel like another item on your never-ending to-do list. Don't worry, you're not alone!

Some small businesses treat their website as a dumping ground for stock images & corporate speak. But good businesses will actually treat their website as your 24/7 salesperson, always open for business and never gets tired. But if it's looking a little dated, like it got stuck in a dial-up modem time warp, it might need a refresh. But don't panic! We're here to help you decide if it's time to spruce things up and how to do it like a pro.

Signs your website might need a fresh coat of pain

  • Feeling nostalgic? Remember chunky flip phones and pixelated graphics? Yeah, your website shouldn't either. Blurry images, confusing layouts, and fonts that make visitors squint are red flags. A modern, responsive design can boost conversions by 67%!
  • Branding gone rogue? Does your website say "quirky coffee shop" when you're actually a sleek tech startup? Time to make sure your online presence reflects your true brand identity. Remember, consistency is key! Consistent branding across different platforms can increase revenue by 23%!
  • Content stuck in the past? Outdated product info, blog posts from the SEO stone age, and prices that haven't changed since sliced bread hit the shelves? It's time for a content refresh! Think fresh copy, engaging visuals, and information that reflects your current offerings and brand voice.
  • Tech feeling flaky? Broken links, slow loading times, and a user experience that makes navigating a maze blindfolded seem easy? Your website needs a tech check-up! Even a 1-second delay in page load can decrease conversions by 7%.
  • Analytics singing the blues? Declining traffic, a bounce rate that could win Olympic gold, and conversions rarer than finding a decent parking spot during the holidays? Your website might be sending the wrong signals, or none at all.

Refresh vs. Redesign: Choosing the right weapon

Think of a refresh as a makeover. A fresh coat of modern visuals, some strategically placed content updates, and maybe a new, user-friendly layout. It's a way to keep your website looking current and user-friendly without a complete overhaul.

A redesign is like building a new house from scratch. It's a bigger project that involves changing the entire structure, technology, and layout of your website. Think twice before taking this route, as it requires more time, resources, and planning.

Refresh with intention

So, you've decided your website needs some love and hopefully you're ready to move on from that template that everyone else is using too. When thinking of a website refresh make sure you're intentional about what you want to accomplish as a business through your website. If you're already an established business with clients, lean on that data and make changes to your website based on your customer profile. Here are additional considerations when considering a refresh:

  • Know your goals: What do you want to achieve? More leads? Higher sales? Brand awareness? Setting clear goals will guide your refresh like a trusty GPS.
  • Befriend your audience: Put yourself in your customers' shoes. What are their needs and pain points? What makes them click "buy"? Understanding your audience is key to creating a website that resonates.
  • Pick the right tools: Don't over-complicate things. Choose tools and platforms that match your budget and technical expertise. User-friendly options like WordPress can be lifesavers.
  • Make User Experience (UX) a center piece: Make your website easy to navigate. Think clear menus, intuitive calls to action, and content that's easy to find and digest. Nobody wants to struggle with confusing menus or microscopic text.
  • Mobile matters: Most web browsing happens on smartphones these days. So, a mobile-friendly website isn't an option, it's a must-have. Responsive design is your new best friend. 63% of all internet traffic comes from mobile devices!

Don't let your website collect dust

With a strategic refresh and these tips in mind, you can transform your online storefront into a lead-generating powerhouse. It's not just about a new coat of paint, it's about understanding your audience, setting clear goals, and crafting a user experience that screams "buy now!"

If you're on the fence about refreshing your small business website, check out our Small Business Packages.

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